Monday, June 29, 2009

Pure Awesome

Came across this blog this morning:

He's an artist who works with found materials and wire. Brilliant stuff...

Oh, and The Empress G is made of pure awesome, as well... Granted, I haven't gotten to the Tootsie Roll center of that particular Tootsie Pop, but I'm surely enjoying the journey.

Feel free to extrapolate the 7 or 8 fun/disturbing/entendric meanings of that. Sounded a lot less creepy in my head...

She likes me? part Two

"Curt, I find you significantly less irritating than any other man on the planet..."


Someone who can actually squelch me and make me laugh while doing it... wow...

Monday, June 22, 2009

Gee, she likes me?

"You're not boring, Curt."

"It's just the things you talk about that are boring..."


Thursday, June 18, 2009

Bad news and good news

The Bad News:
1) Check Engine Light
2) No money to take care of said light.
3) A friend of mine is having man issues, don'cha love it when someone doesn't take a hint?
4) My San Diego dove is currently on a cruise to Europe (and I'm green)
5) My daughter has a urinary tract infection that of course is my fault...

The Good News:
1 through 100) Gina comes home tomorrow...

Too sentimental? Sue me.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

My little existentialist...

My daughter and I were playing with balloons in her room and the following exchange occurred...

"Daddy, don't you wish you could do what I just did?"
"I sure do, honey"
"Well, maybe when the world starts over..."

Friday, June 12, 2009

Fun with haikus

Gina has started a new blog, dedicated to bad haiku... The two of us are hooked on doing them, and it shows no sign of stopping...

So we now have a repository for them

Read and enjoy...

Any wonder I like her?

Anyone who I can drop the word "cannibulimia" on and A) gets the pun, and B) thinks it's funny, is definitely worth it :)

Edit: -- And then she writes cannibulemic haiku? ::swoon::

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Haiku madness, for my friend

Read and liked my blog
What kind of nut could she be?
She's in Virginia!

E-mails back and forth
Funny, smart, and likable
She'd be quite a catch

Connect with mind first
Always the best way with me
Not just eye candy

Sent me her picture
Guys would think of nothing else
But how hot she is.

Learn more about her
Converse with her on the phone
Connect even more

She's quite a good friend
I can talk to her about
Things that bother me

And things that I like
I told her about Gina
She's rooting for us

And what are friends for?
Giving me her perspective
Things I might not think

She's been through some crap
That people shouldn't have to
She should be so proud

Holding together
Keeping her head about her
I'm proud of her too

And her sweet daughter
She will be a heartbreaker
Just like her mom is

Keep your chin up, babe
The Putz is not typical
We're not all assholes

Know that I care for
My friend and her happiness
More than I can say

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Ahhhh, bachelorhood...

I had a great laundry mishap... I washed my sheets with something I evidently should not have washed them with.

Now my sheets look like I'm either a very sloppy axe murderer or someone looking to do a bedroom Rohrschach test...

"Do you see the elephant?" "Good, clearly, we must have sex."
I've been e-mailing and talking with a woman from Virginia, I'm like her online big brother since she's relatively new to the online dating thing.

She has a suitor who we're calling "Professor Putz", becuase he's pretty full of himself. She was going to forward one of his e-mails to me with her commentary about his general putziness.

And what did she do?

You guessed it.

She sent it back to him, instead of me.

And the guy's such a putz that he bought her explanation that her commentary was for another guy's e-mail.

Oy vey!