Monday, July 27, 2009

A little more upbeat...

1) My ex went on vacation, so I have Nolie all this week...

2) Gina got a new job, big promotion, which is completely awesome (as is she, of course)

3) This means that she will be moving closer soon...

Nolie rocks her new swimsuit...

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Kind of a downer post...

You have to have Google Earth 5.0 to use this. Every soldier who has died in Iraq and Afghanistan is mapped, both their hometown and where they died.

Screw the politics in this case (not something I usually say). These people deserve to be remembered.

And yes, there was one young man from my small hometown.

And I'm in tears, although I have no idea who he is, and haven't been in Massachusetts for 21 years. It just doesn't seem right that someone from Norfolk, MA should have died in Iraq.

Or that anyone should.

Take care

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

I love the Onion...

OK, it's an old one, but this is hysterical

China Paper Bites on Onion Gag
Reuters 06.07.02
BEIJING -- Beijing's most popular newspaper has unwittingly republished a bogus story about U.S. Congress threats to skip town for Memphis or Charlotte unless Washington builds them a new Capitol building with a retractable dome.
The source? America's celebrated spoof tabloid, the Onion.
The Beijing Evening News, which claims a circulation of 1.25 million, translated portions of the Onion's tall tale word-for-word in the international news page of its June 3 edition.
The reprinted version of the May 29 article, which parodies Congress as a major league baseball team, also copied the Onion's would-be blueprint for a new legislative home that resembles a ballpark.
"Don't get us wrong: We love the drafty old building," the Onion jestingly quoted House Speaker Dennis Hastert saying.
"But the hard reality is, it's no longer suitable for a world-class legislative branch. The sight lines are bad, there aren't enough concession stands or bathrooms, and the parking is miserable."
The spoof from the brazen entertainment tabloid, which dubs itself "America's finest news source," apparently took in the Evening News.
"The story was written by one of our freelance writers," an editor at the Evening New told Reuters on Friday. "His stuff has been pretty much reliable before."
The editor said he had received other calls from readers about the article. "They were also suspicious of the contents."
Told the story came from the Onion and was not true, the editor said, "We would first have to check that out. If it's indeed fake, I'm sure there will be some form of correction."

Monday, July 13, 2009

I have a life?

Interesting what happens when you actually have a life, you know, when you're seeing someone... I'm used to a lot of free time, just hanging around talking to my cats (and various appliances), but since I met Gina, that's all out the window.

From July 2 throuh July 19, between my daughter and Gina, I've got three "alone" days out of 18! I mean, WTF is going on?

I don't have time even to sit around and get all depressed!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Adventures in surfing

1) Look to see if anyone's looked at this blog or the haiku blog.
2) Find that someone in Senegal(!) looked at the haiku blog.
3) Click "referring link" to see how they got there.
4) Realize that if you google "Dating Haiku", that Gina's "Bad Dating Haiku" entry is first on the list (Way to go, G!)
5) Click on the second entry on google's list for "Dating Haiku"
6) Get totally lost in

It's a website with her limericks and haikus, and they're great. Almost as good as Gina's :)


Monday, July 6, 2009

Warning! Sappiness zone! Evacuate!

Temporarily here so Gina's awesome haiku can stay at the top of that page for a while:

Kiss me again, please
Sentimental effusions
Just pour out of me

Kiss me again, please
Show me how good it can be
To want something so

Kiss me again, please
Let us romp through Cupid's grove
Staking out our place

Kiss me again, please
When you do, there is nothing
Except you and me

Kiss me again, please
Our two bodies become one
Intense fireworks

Thursday, July 2, 2009


You know, I'm supposed to be someone who is "distant", "reserved", "detached", and "remote"...

I miss someone a LOT... and I just saw her Sunday, and I'm seeing her tomorrow.

What the hell, people? Seriously? (I'm even lapsing into Gina-speak) It's been two months since the first e-mail contact.

I mean, I'm enjoying the hell out of her, but man, this is scary sometimes.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

While I should be working...

Warning -- gigglefest may ensue...

Also, an all time favorite: