Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Great, there's a name for it...


How wonderful to know that my issues are so succinctly catalogued... :) I kind of wish I hadn't stumbled across this, because man, it hit the spot.

Symptoms, from the article:

1.Avoids occupational activities that involve significant interpersonal contact, because of fears of criticism, disapproval, or rejection
2.Is unwilling to get involved with people unless certain of being liked
3.Shows restraint initiating intimate relationships because of the fear of being ashamed, ridiculed, or rejected due to severe low self-worth.
4.Is preoccupied with being criticized or rejected in social situations
5.Is inhibited in new interpersonal situations because of feelings of inadequacy
6.Views self as socially inept, personally unappealing, or inferior to others
7.Is unusually reluctant to take personal risks or to engage in any new activities because they may prove embarrassing

Seven for seven.


The part I love, though, is when they say that treatment can involve group therapy. Yeah, I can see it now -- a group of avoidant people sitting in an awkward silence for an hour, then leaving...


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

We have a winner

My daughter was talking to one of her Aunties on the phone last night, and the following exchange ensued...

Auntie: "Have you learned any new songs?"
Sweetie Girl: "I learned a song in Spanish!"
Auntie: "Oh please, sing it for me!"
Sweetie Girl: "Frere Jacques, Frere Jacques, dormez-vous? dormez-vous?"

An absolute classic.

Monday, September 22, 2008

What kids hear and retain...

About 3 weeks ago, I picked my daughter from school and she told me about going to a football game (her brother is in high school now).

She stated that she wanted to be a cheerleader -- so I had a little talk with her to the effect of "You don't have to be a cheerleader just beause you're a girl, you can do whatever you want, if you want to play football, you can, or whatever... Don't think that you can't do something just because you're a girl..." And that was the end of it.

Saturday, we're doing the birthday thing, and before she blew out the candles, I said "You have to make a wish first!"After she blew out the candles, she said "I wished that I could be whatever I want to be when I grow up"

That's my girl!

And she's 4 years old today!

Friday, September 5, 2008


This morning, I came across the incredibly gorgeous woman who lives upstairs from me... She was out walking her dog, in a t-shirt and sweats, her hair all mussed up. But she still looked great. (Granted, she would look great in a burlap sack, but I digress.)

This got me to thinking... My first thought was that "Women don't understand that they don't need to get all dolled up for men to think they look good." While that's true to a large extent, my next thought hit the spot for me.

Love, to me, is connected with intimacy. And I definitely have issues with intimacy. It's difficult for me to allow someone inside enough for that. Sex comes close, but sex, to me, is as much about fun as about intimacy. I find that I have held back some of myself even during sex.

The next thought was, that true intimacy is when you wake up next to someone in the morning, with bed-head, morning breath, maybe a little drool... and you still spend time snuggling. And you realize that this person loves you even when you look your worst. They still find you desirable, and worth loving. What an amazing feeling that is.

I do enjoy being single, but I badly miss that feeling. No matter how angry or bitter I may get toward my ex-wife, I will always be a little grateful to her for allowing me that feeling. I refuse to let all the crap totally eliminate that good memory. It will never come back with her, there is far too much that has gone between us for that, but she did show me that it was possible.

So thanks Paige for the feeling, and thanks Ashley for reminding me of it.

Take care,

Thursday, July 24, 2008

It's been a month?

Bad blogger! Bad, bad blogger!

That being said, it's been a pretty lousy month. My father is pretty much on his last legs, he's got heart issues, and the doctors have decided not to try and correct them surgically, as he probably wouldn't make it through. He's 80, and it's a hard 80, if you know what I mean. He's crammed a lot of life in there, good and bad.

Also found out that I owe the IRS about $3300. Canada's looking attractive.

Struck out on my last four dates (no second date). And my shoulder is absolutely killing me, but I'm trying to hold off on going to the doctor (money issues). No idea what I did to it.

So, I'm pretty much hiding under a rock until this stuff blows over. Wake me up in September :)

Take care

Monday, June 23, 2008

In Memoriam

George Carlin (1937-2008) -- wow, who the hell thought he'd make 71 in the first place???

George was my first comedian. My brothers had the "Class Clown" album and the "Take-offs and Put-ons" album, and I ate them up. Yes, at 6 and 7 years old, I had them memorized (which explains a lot). There are still entire Carlin routines floating around my head, ready to spew forth at the drop of a hat.

There were three titans of stand-up from that era (not to slight anyone else, but these three stood a little higher than the rest); George Carlin, Bill Cosby, and Richard Pryor. It's a gross oversimplification, but I think that George's comedy came from the brain, Cosby's from the heart, and Richard's from the gut. They were all incredibly funny, and all had elements of the others, but that's my take on it.

Yes, George got a little less funny, and a lot more pissed off later on, especially in the early 80's. But anyone who used their brain was pissed off in the early 80's.

George Carlin was the first to get me into thinking about words, and how they're used. Even the "Seven words you can't say on television" bit was about the words themselves, not the shock value of just saying them. George was the funniest pedant I've ever heard, and put me well on my way.

So farewell, George. Well done. You made a lot of people laugh, and a lot of people think, and that's not a bad combination.

Or a bad epitaph.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Again, sorry about yesterday's pity party. It would be very easy to delete it, because self-pity is not particularly attractive.

But there are two ways to view a blog. One is to say "Hey, I want to put my best foot forward, this is like a job interview for the world, I don't want to embarrass myself." The other is to say "This is me -- warts and all."

Therefore, because one of my mantras is "authenticity in all things", I've decided to leave it up. I am what I am, and not all of it is attractive.

I've already had a cigarette today.


Thursday, June 5, 2008

Throes of nic-fittery

Yep, I'm trying to quit smoking.

25 years of 2 packs a day, on average, is very difficult to stop.

Why? 1) I can't afford it, money-wise. 2 packs a day is about $250 a month, and with my monetary cushion gone, I can't really do that anymore. 2) Self-image. I badly need to lose weight, just to feel better about myself, and I can't really exercise when I can't FUCKING BREATHE!!

This has been going on for 8 days now, and while I haven't been able to stay completely off the wagon, I haven't had more than 5 in a day. This can be considered progress, but it still royally pisses me off that I haven't the willpower to just say "I no longer smoke".

There's kind of a vicious circle, when you have a low self-image. The circle goes
1) "I really suck."
2) "Maybe I wouldn't suck so much if I lost weight and stopped smoking, so I wouldn't be so hideous looking and smelling."
3) "That's too much effort to throw into someone who sucks so much."
4) "I really suck."

You know what else sucks? Nicotine fits. And pity parties.

Sorry about this pity party.

take care,

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Why do we do this to ourselves?

I have a friend (no really, it's not me) who is in the midst of a romantic conundrum. She has someone who she dated for about 4 years, and last year he told her essentially that it wasn't going to work, that he couldn't "love her consistently", whatever that means.

Now, isn't it easy for us to sit and say, "Well, it didn't work out, too bad, move on"? This is no dummy we're talking about here -- she's a super woman, very smart, witty, aware, attractive... if she didn't live 1500 miles away... well, let's not go there... LOL

But she has gone out with this guy to dinner, the theater, etc. in the last few months, and feels "maybe" vibes. Even though he's seeing someone else. Again, isn't it easy for us looking in to say "for God's sake, wake up!" But no, she wants to try and see if the vibes are for real. Sounds nuts, right?

Wellllll, not so fast. Number one, I try hard (and sometimes fail) not to judge people for the simple reason that I am not them. I don't know everything that went in to her feeling the way she does. Number two, haven't we all done something like this or something similar? I know I have pined after a "lost love" that was one-way. and tried to extend it beyond all reason.

That's it. "reason". Who is truly "reasonable" in matters of the heart?

As much as we hate to see friends hurting, we can't really prevent it, can we? All we can do is try to make a point here or there to maybe get our friend to see what we see, and to be there with a hug, a shoulder, and some chocolate when shit goes down. Because the time will come when we're going to do something stupid that our friends warned us about, and the last thing we need is "I told you so!"


Thursday, May 22, 2008

A very interesting blog


Danger! Very addictive...

And poignant, and funny, and true, etc.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Another webcomic


The writing and art have to be good to get me into a "slice-of-life" comic strip about emo/goth 20-somethings (massively oversimplifying there).

But this is one great comic. Jeph Jacques is the author, and damn if he doesn't have me caring about the characters, and laughing on almost every strip.

Well done, sir. I've spent the last couple of weeks reading through the archive twice (he's up to over 1100 strips now), and all I have to do is wait for my eyes to stop bleeding.


Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Allergies suck. Seriously.

I'm fighting them, and my daughter is fighting them a lot worse. This morning, I had to take her to get some blood work done (her mother is sick, so I got the last second call). Now, sticking a needle into a 3-year old will bring a bad enough reaction, and leaving it in to draw blood is that much worse, poor baby.

But she's so sweet... I was holding her tightly, one helper is holding her arm still, and the lady is taking the blood... she's wailing (and dammit, it hurts), and when finally it's over, she gets the piece of cotton and the Daffy Duck band-aid, and turns to me and says (sniffling), "Daddy, I love you so much!"

Think she doesn't own me? Think again.


Thursday, April 17, 2008

A little unreality for you...

This is surreal... a website that matches random Family Circus cartoons with random Nietzche quotes...


Just keep clicking "Refresh"

Then stare into space for a while...

Take cover! It's a Rant! And a tangential one at that! AAAAAAAH!

Most days, I'll check out "TheDailyWTF" to get an injection of geek humor. But this, while definitely a WTF, isn't funny.


To boil it down, the URL of a link on the State of Oklahoma's website listing "known sex offenders" included the SQL statement used to retrieve the data. Which essentially means that I, or anyone with a week of SQL training, could modify the statement to retrieve whatever data was in the database. That's outrage number One. This is the LAST thing you do, and it's just the mark of an ignorant/lazy programmer, as well as ignorant/lazy bosses. Outrage number Two: When the issue was called to the attention of the State of Oklahoma, they didn't do anything about it.... UNTIL it was shown that the employees data was vulnerable also. That's just lame.

But that's not what I'm here to talk about...

Now, I have a daughter. I fully agree that sex offenders are pretty low on the "deserving of oxygen" scale. What truly bothers me about the idea of a "sex offender" registry is the hypocrisy of it. Why isn't there a "drunk driver" registry? I'm one hell of a lot more worried that my daughter is going to get killed by a drunk driver than by a pervert. Why isn't there a registry for "Politicians who want to distract the voters from the real issues"?

Oh. Never mind.

I'm not blaming politicians for this, mind you. If we didn't want to be distracted, we wouldn't be. The last politician who insisted on telling us what we NEEDED to hear rather than what we WANTED to hear was Jimmy Carter in 1980, and we all know what happened to him. We don't want to hear about drunk drivers, because too many of us drink. As far as I'm concerned, every car should have a breathalyzer in it, to prevent anyone blowing a .05 from starting the car. Everyone who has been convicted of DUI should have a flashing green light on top of their car to warn the rest of us.

Makes about as much sense as a "sex offender registry"...

I'll stop this rant now, because I've got about four other tangents to go off on, and they each deserve their own thread, and I don't want to drown you in vitriol.

Take care,

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Some perils of dating...

It's interesting to go on dates when you've got a 3-year old... I tend to lapse into Daddy-speak.

(begin "Who's a good dog? Yes YOU are!" voice)

"Do you like your shrimpies? They're good, yum yum!"
"Daddy has to go potty, I'll be right back, ok?"

And when trying to make the transition to bed:
"It's night-night time!"

(end "good doggy" voice)

Hint: "Night night time" rarely works...

Monday, April 7, 2008

Desert Island Discs

It's time to play Desert Island Discs -- what 10 albums would you want to have if you were stranded on a desert island? One rule, no "Best of" or "Compilation" albums...

In no particular order, here are mine...

Joni Mitchell -- "Blue" -- Easily the most emotional album I've ever heard. "Little Green", the song she wrote about the daughter she had to give up for adoption, never fails to bring me to tears. Musically, she hit the spot throughout the album, the incredible singing and spot-on chord changes give me chills.

The Who -- "Quadrophenia" -- Not as many "hits" as "Tommy" or "Who's Next", this album gets on the list due to pure virtuosity. I think all four of them were at the top of their game on this album, especially Entwistle and Moon. "The Real Me" and "The Punk and the Godfather" are as good as it gets for bass and drum.

The Beach Boys -- "Pet Sounds" -- IMO, Brian Wilson was "Mozart in Hawthorne". 24 years old, and he pulls this masterpiece out of his head. Sure, some of the lyrics are high-school, but Brian was never about the lyrics. Listen to just the music and his use of the voices on "Wouldn't it be Nice", "Sloop John B", and "God Only Knows". Just magical. I would have put "Smile" here, because it was even better, but it was never released by the Beach Boys (I've heard the bootlegs, and the music was mind-blowing) and Brian's release a couple of years ago wasn't as good.

Genesis -- "Selling England by the Pound" -- Although "The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway" is the best-known of the albums they put out with Peter Gabriel, this preceding album was Genesis at its zenith. "The Lamb" was pretty much a Peter Gabriel solo album, while "Selling England" was a collaborative effort. The long instrumentals in "Firth of Fifth", "After the Ordeal", and "The Cinema Show" demonstrate what a truly tight band can accomplish. Steve Hackett's guitar solos are like a balm to me.

The Jimi Hendrix Experience -- "Electric Ladyland" -- The greatest guitarist ever, at his best. The scope and breadth of the works on this album are amazing. from the straight blues of "Voodoo Chile" to the psychedelic "1983... (A Merman I Should Turn to Be)" to the hard rock 'n' roll of "Come On". This album has something for everyone.

Pink Floyd -- "Animals" -- Hard to pick one Floyd album -- but this one captures all the elements of the band the best. Great guitar , bass, and drum work -- and the angst-ridden nastiness of Roger's lyrics are starting to come to the fore.

Richard Wagner -- "Tannhauser (highlights) -- Jankowski" -- I'm not too much of an opera fan, and Wagner was a rat bastard, but this is majestic music. The overture is 13 minutes of bliss for me, and the "Pilgrim's Chorus" is fantastic. I like this version for two reasons -- 1) It's the "German" version which is quicker than the "French" version, which seems to drag for me, and 2) The talents of Kiri Te Kanawa and Rene Kollo. Just wonderful. It's also the "soundtrack" for one of my favorite movies, "Meeting Venus".

Miles Davis -- "Kind of Blue" -- Add Cannonball Adderley and John Coltrane to Miles, and you've got the coolest music ever made. Great album to just zone out with.

Marvin Gaye -- "What's Going On?" -- If I had to pick one album to represent the "Sixties", this would be it. Emotional, wide ranging, hip to the pain that was out there... this was from the heart. Tremendous musicianship by the Funk Brothers (who did all of the music for Motown and never got recognized for it), especially the James Jamerson bass on the title track.

The Allman Brothers Band -- "The Allman Brothers Band" -- One of the best debut albums ever, and they completely spoiled Southern rock for me -- nothing anyone else did could compare. Great lead vocals by Gregg, and the band was outstanding.

Honorable mention -- again, in no particular order, and I'll probably add to it.
The Beatles "Sgt. Pepper", "Revolver", "Abbey Road", "The White Album", "Rubber Soul"
The Rolling Stones "Exile on Main St."
Bob Dylan "Highway 61 Revisited", "Blonde on Blonde", "Blood on the Tracks"
Steely Dan "Aja", "The Royal Scam"
The Who "Who's Next, "Tommy"
Pink Floyd "Dark Side of the Moon", "Meddle", "Wish You Were Here"
The Doors "The Doors", "L.A. Woman"
Bruce Springsteen "Born to Run", "Greetings from Asbury Park"
Stevie Wonder "Songs in the Key of Life", "Innervisions", "Talking Book"
The Eagles "Hotel California"
Neil Young "After the Gold Rush", "Harvest"
Simon and Garfunkel "Bridge over Troubled Water","Bookends"
U2 "War", "The Unforgettable Fire"
Van Morrison "Moondance", "Tupelo Honey"
Elton John "Goodbye Yellow Brick Road", "Madman Across the Water",
Carole King "Tapestry"
REM "Automatic for the People"
Cream "Disraeli Gears"
The Band "Music from Big Pink", "The Band"
Muddy Waters "Hard Again"
Jimi Hendrix "Are You Experienced?", "Axis: Bold as Love"
King Crimson "In the Court of the Crimson King"
Yes "The Yes Album", "Fragile", "Close to the Edge"
Derek and the Dominoes "Layla"
Cat Stevens "Tea for the Tillerman", "Teaser and the Firecat"
Genesis "Foxtrot", "The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway"
Frank Zappa "Joe's Garage"
Emerson, Lake, & Palmer "Trilogy", "Brain Salad Surgery"
Grateful Dead "American Beauty", "Workingman's Dead"
Arlo Guthrie "Alice's Restaurant"
John Lennon "Imagine", "Double Fantasy"
Paul McCartney "Ram", "Band on the Run", "Venus and Mars"
George Harrison "All Things Must Pass"
Santana "Abraxas", "Santana"

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Born 15 years too late...

One of the things about having 5 older siblings is inheriting their tastes... or at least having my tastes shaped by what they were into. It's unlike being influenced by your parents' tastes and rebelling against them, because I had no interest in rebelling against my brothers and sisters. What they liked was cool!

So, there I was, a 5 year old listening to Alice Cooper, Jimi Hendrix, and the White Album (yes, I know, it explains a lot). Pink Floyd, the Who, Simon and Garfunkel, Led Zeppelin, Joni Mitchell... this was my childhood (and a damn good thing it was).

The problem arises when I'm with people my age, who came to maturity listening to Bon Jovi (ahem), Twisted Sister (gag), and the Scorpions (hurl)... It's ships passing in the night... The only bands that I really like from the 80's (and weren't holdover 70's bands) are U2 (up to and including the Unforgettable Fire album) and REM.

Now, being the arrogant pedant that I am, I have the upper hand here (evil laugh)... When they try to turn me on to some cool Ratt or Poison music (those two bands actually toured together last year -- the Ratt Poison tour -- isn't that precious?), I can say (with appropriate sneer) "Heard it, didn't like it the first thousand times".

But, when I turn them on to Traffic or the Allman Brothers, all they can do is roll their eyes and say "Hey, am I in an elevator or something?"


Did I say upper hand?

Oh well, time to go take my Geritol...

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Yeah, I'm twisted

But I wish I was as twisted as Mr. Munroe...

(You can click on the strip to see it better)

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Women, and needs...

What I've discovered over the last two years of dating is that I seem to be a professional "rebound" guy. Women break up with the guy who treats them like crap, find me online, hang out with me for a month or two, then go back or find another guy who treats them like crap.

Now, this isn't really a "bitter" rant (and doesn't include my friend the "Bitter Chick"). One thing I realize now is that most people want to feel needed. Therefore, they tend to gravitate toward people they feel they can "help" or "fix". If you're with someone who has everything under control, they're pretty complete, they don't need much. Or, if you're with someone who is agressively self-sufficient (waving hand), they not only don't need much but they almost resent the implication that they do.


In my two marriages, I have gone from one extreme to the other. My first wife was much like me, very self-sufficient and independent, and after a while we didn't need each other -- and any tension was going to break us up. Not to say that the problem was small, it was a disagreement on where we were going to live, but had we "needed" each other more, we would have worked it out.

My second wife was like anti-matter to the first. It's a good thing they never met, because the universe might have imploded. The relationship was much more intense, due to the differences between us. She required both to need intensely and to be needed intensely, and I was unable to give her either. Not saying either of us were right or wrong, it was just an unfortunate confluence of personalities.

A word of caution -- yin and yang, while very interesting, doesn't always make for the best relationship. We have become friends again, which is a good thing both for us and for our daughter. We both realize that we should never have married, and I know that on my part (and I hope on hers), I've gone beyond blaming either of us.

So now I'm at the point where I warn any woman I date that I'm not a very good candidate for a "relationship". I'm a good friend, if you call at 3AM because your car's broken down, I'll come get you, I'm fun to hang out with and talk with, great in bed, but if you're looking for someone who needs a relationship, I'm not your guy. I'm not ruling it out if someone who is a spectacular fit for me comes along, but I remain wary.

Why date at all, then? Simply put, I love women. Not just for sex, but for company. I find it much easier to make friends with women than men, and I refuse to be so wary that I deny myself the pleasure of their friendship with or without sex.

Take care, all

Monday, March 31, 2008

Please allow me to introduce myself...

I'm a man of wealth and taste...

Ok, not so much on the wealth.

And the taste has been questionable.

Screw it, I just wanted to use the line...

Hello, everyone. My name is Curt, and I'm a first time blogger. ("Hello, Curt")

I hope to use this blog to get rants off my chest, talk about things I like, and things I don't. Rave about my daughter, scream at the Bruins (Boston variety, not UCLA), wonder about women, bitch about my job (actually my job is pretty bitch-proof), and just maybe to see if there are any like-minded people out there.

Yes, I can be horribly pedantic. I enjoy words, and get a rush out of using just the right word for the situation. I like to think about things and people, why they do what they do, why things happen. I am an atheist, but I have respect for all religions, up to a point. That point is proselytization. (It's the old "Your right to swing your fist ends at my nose.") Oh yeah, and killing in the name of religion. And generally being shitty to someone in the name of religion.

So, you know, "God's will" isn't a suitable answer for why something happens. To me, it's a cop-out for the intellectually lazy.

As for what makes me smile -- obviously, my daughter, who is awesome. One of the high points in my life was hearing "Daddy, want Court of the Crimson King"... (wiping tear). I did find a webcomic that comes pretty close to matching my sense of humor -- http://www.xkcd.com/ -- Randall Munroe (the author) is who I want to be when I grow up. My favorite current comedian is Eddie Izzard, all time is Richard Pryor. Woody Allen and Mel Brooks make me laugh, and please, stop me before I watch "Airplane" again.

OK, if I put everything in one post, I won't have anything left to say, and it will be the shortest blog in history.

Take care, everyone.