Sunday, April 5, 2009

Well, hell, if Jenn can update, so can I

Being a bad blogger again...

Actually, not much going on (HAH!). Nothing I wanted to write about anyway. Stressland is not necessarily a good place to write from. Money is tight, not that I'm alone there. My daughter is still incredibly awesome.

We get pretty sickening sometimes -- We were playing the "I love you bluer than the sky" "I love you greener than the grass" game, and she got me...

"I love you bigger than a giant!"
"Daddy, I love you bigger than a giant's DADDY!"

Win. Because, you know, Daddies are pretty freaking big...

1 comment:

anra said...

My daughter tried that. I came back with "I love you more than two giant Giants" and she sat back and said "wow, that's big"