Monday, September 21, 2009

Truly disturbing...

Awesome blog, about depictions of animals that are welcoming their fate as our foodstuff. Now, I'm a carnivore, but man, this is making me a vegan.

Not really.

Nolie's 5 tomorrow! Had a great moment yesterday -- Her huge stuffed giraffe became a motorcycle, and the following exchange ensued:

"I ride a motorcycle! Anyone messes with me, I'm gonna go crazy!"
"Oh really, what are you going to do?"
"I'm gonna jump around and dance and play and everything!"
"Wow, that's scary!"


"Not with you, though. Not with any big people. Just little kids."

At that point, I wasn't sure whether to admonish her for picking on little kids, or laud her for having the sense not to mess with big people.

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